Society of Plastics Engineers / Cleveland Section
VOL 65 NO 6
Society of Plastics Engineers / Cleveland Section
VOL 65 NO 6
February, 2020
Our next program will be Monday evening February 10, 2020 and will be hosted by the Cleveland Section. The program will be a presentation by John Collins, Product Manager, Eriez Magnetics PolyMag.
Mr. Collins joined Eriez Magnetics in 2005 as Manager of the PolyMag business and he was the Plastics & Rubber Industry Market Manager. He is now focused solely on PolyMag Additives which impart Metal Detectability, Magnetic Susceptibility and X-Ray contrast into polymers, used by food processors worldwide, to prevent plastic contaminated foods from entering the marketplace.
John Collins
Product Manager, Eriez Magnetics PolyMag
John Collins joined Eriez Magnetics in 2005 as Manager of the PolyMag business and was the Plastics & Rubber Industry Market Manger. John is now focused solely on PolyMag Additives which impart Metal Detectability, Magnetic Susceptibility and X-Ray contrast into polymers, used by food processors worldwide, to prevent plastic contaminated foods from entering the marketplace.
He earned his Batchelor of Arts degree in Economics and History from Denison University, with additional education in Statistical Process Control, QS9000, ISO 9001, Project Management and Value Analysis.
Mr. Collins has spent over 40 years in the plastics industry, most notably with Premix in North Kingsville, Ohio where he served in various capacities including Sales Management, VP Product Engineering, VP Corporate Purchasing, and VP Manufacturing & Operations. Since 1976 he has been an active member of the Society of Plastics Engineers.
Hilton Garden Inn
8971 Wilcox Drive
Twinsburg, OH
5:30 pm Check In
6:00 pm Dinner
6:45 pm Presentation
8:00 pm Adjourn
Professional/Guest $30
Retired $25
Student $10
Non-Member $35
New Member – first meeting Free
Reservations must be in by noon on Wednesday, Feb. 5 to Dan Crist at 440-227-5424 or mail@cmd-tip.com Please be sure to include the company affiliation of each attendee and any dietary restrictions.
The Cleveland Section wants YOU to apply for an open Board position for the 2020-2021 season. Positions include Secretary, Editor, Sponsorships, Technical Programs and others. These are key roles that make our section successful and help us achieve our mission.
All positions require professional, organizational and communication skills found in many technical professionals. The minimal expectation for all board members is to attend monthly board meetings either in person or by conference call and to provide a monthly update. The time commitment varies with the position as well as seasonally and around major events.
Experience in committee and board positions is the pathway to Section leadership, which can also lead to advanced roles within the SPE itself. The exposure and contacts developed in these roles are a great addition to your career experience.
Please contact us at speclecomm@gmail.org with questions or to make your application.
As part of SPE Cleveland’s membership in CTSC (ctsc.org), you’re invited to subscribe to the CTSC’s TechWeek email listing of area events staged by the various technical and engineering groups in Northeast Ohio. Each TechWeek will feature a comprehensive listing of the speakers, tours, panel discussions and other programs which are either sponsored or co-sponsored by a CTSC member society. Each listing also includes live links to register or to get more information
about these events. This is a free CTSC service and there is no cost or obligation. You may unsubscribe at any time.
Also, as a new feature within TechWeek, we are providing a short listing of engineering and technical job posting courtesy of Search Masters. Each job posted will be linked to a profile with more information about that job.
Officer Reports:
Treasurer – J. Sovis submitted a report prior to the meeting and reviewed it. Members noted that the CLE section only received $220 on pass-through credits for 2019.
Counselor – D. Meade noted that there will be a Counselor Mtg. at the ANTEC 2020, and he will attend.
Membership: T. Waddle submitted a report prior to the meeting, noting that we lost 4 student members, but gained 4 professional members. He also recommended that we solicit members to join the CLE section as part of the newsletter.
Committee Chairs:
House – D. Crist reported that we have 10 attendees signed up for the 2-10-20 event.
Communications: C. Potter noted that we need to get new Board members to replace leaving members. All members agreed that simple emails are ineffective, and face to face invitations are best. Members pledged to try this during the 2-10-20 event.
Education: G. Zhang announced that Dr. Steve Blazey of LyondellBasell will speak at the CASE event on 4-10-20. He will forward details to C. Potter. Members agreed to donate $100 towards food that will be served after the event.
Teagan Smith, a recipient of past SPE awards, is seeking an internship for the summer 2020, preferably in the area of 3-D printing or design. D. Meade may have a contact, and forwarded T. Smith’s resume along. C. Potter asked for his resume in case he has a contact.
Members approved the motion that the winner of the CLE Section SPE Award must be present at the Awards Dinner in order to receive the award.
Technical Programs: The Injection Molding TOPCON Board Meeting is very soon, and the CLE Section should begin approaching speakers for this event. D. Meade will contact S. Montgomery.