SPE Thermoplasic Elastomer Conference 2025
“Compound Interest: TPEs in a Circular Economy”
April 8-10, 2025
Akron, OH
The Akron Section of the Society of Plastics Engineers, along with the TPE Technical Interest Group of the SPE, will again be hosting a conference this spring that highlights a unique blend of polymers, Thermoplastic Elastomers (TPEs). It will be held April 8 to 10, 2025 at the Hilton Garden Inn in Akron, Ohio. Full information can be viewed at http://www.4spe.org/tpe25.
There will be a separate tutorial held on April 8 taught by industry experts. The morning session will be TPE fundamentals while the afternoon session will feature sustainability.
Technical sessions will focus on sessions exploring sustainability, recycling, bio content, composting, part consolidation, efficient design, minimizing machine energy, material formulation and regulatory trends. The topics and speakers can be viewed at the above link using the “Program” tab.
This conference will push the envelope of development as we feature two keynote addresses. Professor Spontak will discuss “Water-Activated Elastomers to Mitigate Growing Global Environmental, Healthcare and Energy Challenges”. Kathryn Wright, Kraton R&D VP, will be the second keynote speaker. Her topic will be “A Sustainable Future Enabled by Six Decades of Innovation”. There will be an exhibit area where companies will display their products related to TPEs. In addition there will be two receptions where networking can be done.
Sponsors will be recognized during the conference. If your company would like to be a sponsor and/or exhibitor, please use the above link and click on the “For Sponsors” tab.
Room reservations at the Hilton Garden Inn for a special reduced rate can be made using the link above and clicking on the “Hotel Information” tab.
Your participation will support the TPE Technical Interest Group and the Akron Section in their efforts to provide student scholarships and opportunities to participate in plastics industry events.